Grobius Shortling's Castle Pictures
Click a Radio Button for a Pop-up Window, or else Click the Castle Name (if you are using an older Web Browser than version 3 of either Netscape or Explorer). Put your mouse over the stars for pop-up comments. [The 'page' icon represents castles with separate web pages; there will be more of these in future, but only gradually.]
(FastCounter by bCentral)
Skip all the bumf below if you want to....
(this supports displaying the pictures in a text box without opening additional windows)
I am furious (Oct. 1999)! I downloaded MSIE version 5, and now the radio buttons don't work any more (which they did before), but I got that MSIE update from AOL. What the hell am I going to do (except post my problem to tech
bulletin boards)? Be patient until this is solved and in the meantime just click on the
underlined hot links.
(Oct. 30) -- well never mind, it was my mistake, there was an inadvertent carriage control in one of the Javascript lines. But just since it was not their fault
I still think AOL sucks.
The entire site is copyright © Wyatt James 1998.
Permission is granted, however, to right click anything you want off it.
Please acknowledge the copyright holder if you use any picture on a web page.
Last Updated:
Castles and Ancient Monuments of Great Britain
If you want to link to this site, please right click this gif and save it, and put it on your web page with a link to the site at "", or else grab this smaller icon:

What is behind this web page, considering I haven't been to Britain in 4 years and haven't taken any new castle pictures? Well, photos keep turning up in my 'archives', especially slides, and I've lowered my standards of quality (composition, not scanning, which I can't do much about), but am trying to get more inclusive of every castle I've photographed. If web page counters can be trusted, more people go to this web page than to my main castle site, if that makes any sense, unless people have come to this page via Grobius and just bookmarked the photo page because it is more interesting than text.